Say what? Proverbs 18:21-“The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who eat it will love its fruit.” Do you recognize that all to often we rehearse in our minds what others say, even what they have said or continue to say something about us. Oftentimes their language becomes our language. It becomes so necessary to stop! and think about the words we release out of our mouths. This is why re-WRITTEN was born, to tell a new story. To reCREATE life as it should be. You were created with purpose in mind and it is so important to fulfill that purpose. I believe that we can all begin to tap into our potential and be what we were created to be. I am CREATED to encourage, uplift, love and pursue. I know there is so much more that has yet to be revealed, and in this process of discovery, I am peeling back the layers of an onion, only to discover more and more of the beauty I possess hidden deep inside. I hold my FATHER’s passions and prayerfully,thoughtfully and intentionally intend to live them out. Recognizing that I choose who I allow the priviledge of pouring into me. Now don’t get me wrong, I pray for discernment so as not to overlook a gift sent my way because it does not say what i want it to say (the gift being a person). Growth can be uncomfortable. Ever tried putting on an old pair of shoes that you outgrew? My point is still being in a mental place past time can be painful. Now is the time to reNEW your thinking. Create the YOU, you were CREATED to be by CHANGING what you say ABOUT YOU.


One thought on “Say what? Proverbs 18:21-“The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who eat it will love its fruit.” Do you recognize that all to often we rehearse in our minds what others say, even what they have said or continue to say something about us. Oftentimes their language becomes our language. It becomes so necessary to stop! and think about the words we release out of our mouths. This is why re-WRITTEN was born, to tell a new story. To reCREATE life as it should be. You were created with purpose in mind and it is so important to fulfill that purpose. I believe that we can all begin to tap into our potential and be what we were created to be. I am CREATED to encourage, uplift, love and pursue. I know there is so much more that has yet to be revealed, and in this process of discovery, I am peeling back the layers of an onion, only to discover more and more of the beauty I possess hidden deep inside. I hold my FATHER’s passions and prayerfully,thoughtfully and intentionally intend to live them out. Recognizing that I choose who I allow the priviledge of pouring into me. Now don’t get me wrong, I pray for discernment so as not to overlook a gift sent my way because it does not say what i want it to say (the gift being a person). Growth can be uncomfortable. Ever tried putting on an old pair of shoes that you outgrew? My point is still being in a mental place past time can be painful. Now is the time to reNEW your thinking. Create the YOU, you were CREATED to be by CHANGING what you say ABOUT YOU.

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